Dari mulai yang paling baik, sampe yang paling licik atau jahat;
Moga-moga gak pernah ketemu sama yang paling jahat dan licik yah...Tapi ketemu orang baik sepertinya lebih sering.. Alhamdulilah. Merekalah para Mr. Nice guy (ini maksudnya termasuk yang cewek yah, cuman gimana gitu kalo di tulis sebagai Ms. Nice gal...hehehe, so ladies, Mr. Nice Guy is... including you, if you are nice, of course...)
Eh..eh, tapi ternyata Mr. Nice guy ini sering jadi bulan-bulanan...
Di makan abis abisan sama sama 'shark' type business man (and woman too, of course)...
Orang sih sering ngomongnya, nice guy finished first...

Hold that thougt!
Is it so wrong to be nice?
I don't think so...
...coba pikir deh,
Ada orang yang gak peduli sama orang lain, yang penting adalah kepentingan dia, urusan bisnisnya dia dll dll...is it fun to do business with that kind of people?
mereka mungkin kayaknya dapet apa yang mereka mau, tapi sebenernya...untuk berapa lama? untuk berapa kali? do they know that people leave bosses, not company? or people just don't stand to be where they are? is it about money? is it about power? is it about you?
is it like the strange obsession, like a symptom where all the teenage girls would prefer to gather around bad boys? - so you feel the needs to be bad?
be kind, be honest, be good, and be nice.
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